These images are designed to be viewed in pairs with 'idealized nature' on the left and the 'less comfortable side of the landscape on the right, with footpath views interspersed between. This is as shown in the thumbnails below. The images can be viewed full size by clicking on the images, but this sadly mixes the order.

The introductory writing for this assignment is still a work in progress as is the editing and ordering of the images. I am not sure I am able to do anything about the mixing of the order of the images in large on the blog, but it is fine in the thumbnails. When the assignment is submitted it will be easier to pair them correctly; It would also be interesting to submit them as a PDF which allow the images to be viewed side by side as in a book. As far as the text is concerned I am conscious of not writing too much as I am wary of providing 'all the answers' and would like the viewer to ask/answer their own questions.
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